
Weekend plans?

This board is so dead today!-Tonight: FI's birthday, so we're going out to dinner-Tomorrow: Pre-Cana day & then heading upstate for wedding on Sunday.-Sunday: Friend's wedding!

Re: Weekend plans?

  • edited December 2011
    Hiya. I just got in from work. I'm getting ready to go to the Tower of London to see the Ceremony of the Keys. Which locking the Tower up and has been going on the same way for over 700 years. I'm excited because I'm a history geek. Most of the weekend will be spent writing IEPs and 6 weeks of lesson planning.
  • edited December 2011
    Tonight: Rosh Hashanah dinner with the family, friend's birthdayTomorrow: Shopping for a dress for my shower and shoes so I can get my dress fittedSunday: Running the Philly Distance Run!NOTE: Due to the half marathon on Sunday there are going to be a lot of road closures in and around Philly.  If you need to come into town be prepared for lots of traffic.  Here are road closure details and times:
  • jessica0602jessica0602 member
    Eighth Anniversary 500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    tonight: viewing for a friend gmom who passed away and FBIL is celebrity bartending tomorrow: baby shower and my "bachelorette dinner" with my mom and FILs sunday: a whole lotta nothin'
  • edited December 2011
    Tonight: Rosh Hashana dinner with famTomorrow: services and dress shoppingSunday:  Eagles game and lots of laundry
  • edited December 2011
    Tonight: Drive to NJ   Sat: Hair appointment and testing out a rehearsal dinner optionSun: Philly Distance Run!!  (Thanks for the road closure infor STBS!!)
    Yorkie Jenga

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • edited December 2011
    Tonight - driving to NYSat - engagement photos (about time!) and wedding pre-shoot in ManhattanSun - driving back to Philly and taking FI to airport :(
  • Amerbutt81Amerbutt81 member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    Tonight- My chiropractor is in a band called Dr Ben's Backbone Blues (how clever!) and JEGs and I are checking them out at Peppers in KOP. Tomorrow- We are headed to look at Penn Ryn Mansion and The Peoples Farmhouse for possible venues Sunday- Glen Foerd Mansion and then swinging by my brothers house to visit him, the wifey and my neices.   Hope you all have a great weekend!!   LB
    Mrs. JEGs
    est 7.17.10
    Hunter Fillmore
    October 1, 2011

    Lizzie In Progress
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