

I'm bored so I'll start them this week.I want to blow off work all afternoon and plan my wedding. 

Re: Confessions?

  • Amerbutt81Amerbutt81 member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    I have a carwash to attend tomorrow morning and I totally plan on calling them and telling them I can't make it and using work as a I too, can plan my wedding.LB
    Mrs. JEGs
    est 7.17.10
    Hunter Fillmore
    October 1, 2011

    Lizzie In Progress
  • edited December 2011
    I'm taking FI out to dinner for his birthday tonight & while he wants his nephew & wife to go, I kind of hope they decline so it can be just the two of us. :x
  • ec0983ec0983 member
    edited December 2011
    i'm mad at the new tss in my room for showing up and getting married two weeks before me. totally stealing my wedding thunder! glad i have someone i can talk wedding with though.
    trying times are not the times to stop trying. image

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