Hi ladies!I am doing the happy dance right now because I think I found THE place to hold my wedding.First, I have to say I had a total meltdown Saturday night after checking out a place I was soooo excited for it, but when I got there I was not impressed at all- and it was so stinking expensive!!! The food alone blew out our budget!So Sunday morning JEGs and I headed over to Normandy Farm in Blue Bell. We were not excited about it, and he actually said to me "Why are we even looking here".We. loved. it.It was everything I wanted- it had that cozy, country like feel, but still sophisticated. I am so stoked. And it's only 15 mintues from our apartment. Both of our parents are going to be in town on Saturday for an engagment dinner. We have an appointment for them to check it out before dinner. Pops is bringing the check book.Soooo... it looks like this thing might actually happen. July 17, 2010. Mark the date ladies- I am on my way to becoming Mrs. JEGs.LB
Mrs. JEGs
est 7.17.10
[IMG]http://i43.tinypic.com/2md4eb4.jpg[/IMG] Hunter Fillmore October 1, 2011
Lizzie In Progress