
CW vent

DH gave me flowers for our 1 year anniversary.  I brought them into work today since I'm at work more than I am at home.  I've gotten a couple of comments from people saying 'they smell bad' or 'whats that smell...its horrible'  or 'it smells like burning paper' or 'some people have alergies'.Considering that the guys here like to spray bad calogne in the air ('Mambo' for those stern listeners)...why are they having such a hard time w/ flowers?

Re: CW vent

  • edited December 2011
    That's odd..why would flowers smell bad?! I get the whole allergy thing but I never heard of flowers smelling like burning paper. Happy Anniversary!!
  • edited December 2011
    "Ronnie loves Mambo..."  LOL - thanks Cathnator because now that's going to be in my head.  All. Day. = )  Happy anniversary!!  Tell your CWs to stop being a bunch of jealous whiney jerks.  = P   
    Yorkie Jenga

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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