
When and where to get marriage license?

How far in advance?  And we are getting married at Cairnwood in Bryn Athyn, PA...where do I go to get the license?  TIA!

Re: When and where to get marriage license?

  • edited December 2011
    I think they're only good for 60 days after receipt.
  • edited December 2011
    doesn't matter where you get the license, just has to be in PA.  we got married in bryn athyn, but got the license in west chester.  i believe we went 2 weeks before the wedding. 
  • edited December 2011
    60 days or less before the wedding.  Generally its at the county courthouse, or wherever the orphan's court and register of wills in your county is.  Be prepared to take a long lunch wherever you go, as at least where I checked the offices closed around 4:00-4:30.  Make sure you bring ID (birth certificates are also helpful) and the fee in cash :)
  • phillygirl82phillygirl82 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Just got ours today at City Hall in Philly. They aren't valid until 3 business days after you apply, so don't wait until too close to the wedding! They're valid for 60 days after that. All we needed were our licenses and SS cards. Philly is the most expensive place around to get them ($80) and it has to be cash or money order, but if you google "PA marriage license" and whatever county you're in, you should be able to find the office and fees for wherever you are.
  • edited December 2011
    I dont know if every courthouse makes you do this - but ours made both FI and I come in person to swear under oath that we didnt lie on the applications.. First time I went I didnt realize this and thought I could just pick up and drop off the app myself, so make sure you go when you and FI are both available to turn it in in person.
  • odessa33odessa33 member
    edited December 2011
    yes you must BOTH go in can go to ANY courthouse in PA we chose the one closest to our house but it was far away from Philly where the actual wedding took place....there is a 3 day waiting period after you apply for it and it expires in 60 you must get it at least 4 days before the wedding but nomore than 59 days before it....
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