
EBE Bands - Milan 77 & RIO

Has anyone been to a wedding where they saw these bands? Or has anyone booked either of these bands?  Both look awesome online and the reviews are great, but I would love to hear about someone's first-hand experience!  Thank you!

Re: EBE Bands - Milan 77 & RIO

  • Lindsey620Lindsey620 member
    edited December 2011
    We booked Rio for our wedding in 3 weeks. We saw them twice at their showcases (which I highly recommend you go to if you are considering booking an EBE band... it's so helpful to see/hear them live!) We have had great experience with the band leader Jonathan Harwood so far -- he's been so helpful in putting together the timeline of the night and helping us pick songs. (we met with him for over an hour last month to go over all the details) Good luck!
  • edited December 2011
    My sister is getting married on November 7th. She is using them. I will let you know. I think she is using Rio. From what I hear they are great.
  • edited December 2011
    I was at a wedding in May where Rio band was playing. They were very very good however, I thought they were very very loud too. Not sure if that had anything to do with the room or not.
  • edited December 2011
    We are going to the showcase on Monday night and both bands are playing, so I wanted to know which band was better.  I'm excited to see them play!  Val - The bands ARE really loud!  You got me thinking I should contact them and see if they have been to our venue before to find out how the acoustics are.
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