
where would YOU make them sit?

So, this will be a couple questions related to each other.  1)  do you plan to let your wedding party's wives, boyfriends, etc sit with them or will you have a head table where they all get to continue to look pretty?  2)  If you are leaving these significant others and guests to sit by themselves, where would you sit them?  The question came up in conversation last week.  What if your maid of honor's boyfriend didn't know anyone but your parents?  Would you sit him with them or try to find other people he might get along with?  I haven't even STARTED my layout planning yet and this kind of leaves me confused.

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Re: where would YOU make them sit?

  • angel33284angel33284 member
    edited December 2011
    I'm partial to sweetheart tables and letting your bridal party sit with their spouses or partners. I think the couple needs some time alone on the day, even if it's just eating a salad together.
  • edited December 2011
    Agree with pp - we are doing a sweetheart table for two reasons 1) alone time and 2) most of our bridal parties spouses don't know anyone besides their husband/wife so this way they get to sit together. We are just mingling them in at tables w/ their other friends if they know other people.
  • edited December 2011
    We're doing a sweetheart table so the BP can sit with their guests and fam.  I've been the guest before when FI was in the BP and seated at the head table.  I knew no one and was seated with the bride's fam.  Everyone was nice, but I still felt out of place.  I think the BP and their guests will appreciate being able to sit together.
  • Stacylynn702Stacylynn702 member
    edited December 2011
    I have a way to go, but we already decided on a sweetheart table.  I think everyone has more fun sitting with their SO.  I agree with the above post too that it gives a chance for the newlyweds to have some privacy to talk and such.  This way too, you can just sit the BP together at the table(s) with their SO.My FI was in a wedding a few years back where they had a head table and I just sat with the spouses, g/f and b/f of the other BP members.  No one at the table had a problem getting along b/c all of our SOs were in the BP and had already met at the rehearsal dinner.I don't think I'd sit them w/my parents though unless your maid of honor is in your family.  If he's an outgoing guy, you could find a table of people he would get along with.
  • CA2PABride2BeCA2PABride2Be member
    edited December 2011
    Did anyone not do a sweetheart table or have a different idea?  I'm in the same boat where I don't want to alienate my wedding party's guests, but I just really do not like the idea of a sweetheart table.  I just see it as my FI and I being put on display while we eat.  It seems a little less daunting when it's a table instead of just the two of us.
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  • dch167dch167 member
    edited December 2011
    At a wedding I went to at Alsie Mansion the couple just sat at a regular table with thier parents MOH and BM (with their guests). I thought that was nice becuase they were with the people closest to them.
  • edited December 2011
    CA2PA - my sister did something a little different, she had a table in the middle that seated 4 across, and then had 2 rounds on either end and the spouses/significant others sat next to the BP member. it worked out great. Personally I prefer the sweetheart tables.
  • edited December 2011
    We're doing a head table and we're sitting the husbands and girlfriends with one another but not far from the head table. 
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  • edited December 2011
    I'm partial to the sweetheart table - you won't be sitting there by yourselves very long anyway.  Our BP will be at regular tables with their SO, probably with other friends not in the BP mixed in.  I would never seat a SO with my/our parents, even if they were the only people they knew at our wedding.  I'm sure our parents want to sit with their own friends or other fam members!  It causes me stress when FI is in a wedding and we're not seated together so I don't want to do that to my BP (this also stands true for making my BP dance with one another).  Last time we weren't seated together, I sat with the other SOs from the BP.  Worked out fine but sometimes it's forced socialization gone bad. CA2PA - I was also going to suggest your "head" table could be you guys plus parents, gparents and MOH/GM.   
    Yorkie Jenga

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  • edited December 2011
    We did a head table with everyone in the wedding party. I sat the significant others with our friends and everyone had a blast.
  • Amy4282Amy4282 member
    edited December 2011
    I agree with the statement above about sweetheart tables putting the couple on display, so we are not having one.  We have 2 best men and 2 MOHs so we are sitting with them and their SOs and the rest of the bridal party will be sat together with their SOs.
  • edited December 2011
    We sat with my sister, mom and dad, and my H's brothers and parents. Bridal party sat with their dates and different tables.
  • JenD1018JenD1018 member
    edited December 2011
    You are going to be "on display" all day.  It's your wedding. We did a sweetheart table because I hate head tables.
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  • bkallenbkallen member
    edited December 2011
    Oh we're not even close to working on seating charts and already it's been a discussion (not a heated one) between FI and I.  He wants a Head Table so the bridal party can still feel honored- and I want the sweetheart so the party - and their guests and can have more fun together (esp for the dates who don't know aynone!), and have  at least some "pressure" of being on display off of them onc ethe rehearsal dinner starts....We're thinking of compromising and putting 1 table with the groomsmen and their dates on one side, and 1 table with the bridesmaids and their dates on the other side, and then us at a sweetheart table in the middle.  At least then they can sit with their dates, but they're still up front with us.  We have 4 groomsmen/bm each so it'd work out perfectly.
  • bkallenbkallen member
    edited December 2011
    BTW-  any wedding I've been to where the bride and groom where at a sweetheart table -  I noticed that not one person just sat their watching them eat.  You will not be on display-  everyone will be inolved in conversations and their own food - they won't pay any more attention to you than they would when you're at a head table.... ESPECIALLY if you put your table on the floor with everyone else and not up on a stage :)And you're only there for- what an hour- if that? Then you'll but up running around saying hi and dancing (hopefully!) :)
  • edited December 2011
    I'm with everyone on the sweetheart tables! My sister is doing that for her wedding. And I believe she is having us BPers sit at our own circle table with our SO. It actually works out that way since we're a small party.  I think I'll be doing the same for my wedding.I don't think they necessarily put the couple on display. Sweetheart tables can be done tastefully, not like the ones you see in the Wedding Singer movie.
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  • psychgrrlpsychgrrl member
    edited December 2011
    We let the bridal party sit with their guests.  We scattered tables with BP members throughout the floor plan to help spread the cheer.  We sat at a table with our parents.  We didn't want a sweetheart table, but didn't want a head table either.  A friend of mine did the groom/bride with parents thing and I liked it, so I stole the idea.  If you want the bridal party at a head table, I would but MOH's BF with my parents and maybe mix in a few others he might get along with (maybe another couple who knew my parents?).
  • edited December 2011
    We had all of the BM and their guests at one table, the GM and theirs at another and then we sat at a table with our parents and grandparents.  We loved it.
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