
Embarassed--just need to vent/share

So my friend just came back from Iraq (YEAH!!) and we got to hang out last night.  We play basketball with a large group of girls every Thursday.  I'm talking about 15 or 20 girls, only 2 of which I am really close with and are invited to the wedding.  Last night, the one girl J says, "So are we having any kind of wedding events down here for  you?" and I answered, "No, not that I know of"  So she turns to C, the girl who just came back from Iraq and says, "C, you should throw a party for her."  C says, "Oh hell no! I don't throw parties.  Can't we just combine it with my welcome back dinner (that I'm throwing) on Sunday?"  and everyone laughs--- C really isn't into throwing parites and she just got back from Iraq.  Anyway, I say, "Guys, thanks for the love, but you don't have to do anything for me.  It's cool.  I know you're all excited for me."  Unfortunately, J doesn't really let up on the idea and neither does C.  C is running around trying to get other girls there to throw me a party and then loudly announcing, "Hey!  This one or that one will do it!"  and I found myself getting really embrassed and not sure what to say. I continually repeat that NO ONE needs to throw me a party-- I've had a bach and shower already--but no one listens. I sorta just left feeling really weird about the whole thing. I'm going to say something to C today, cause I really feel like she put me on the spot a lot and she should know better and with J, I'm not really sure what else to say.  I know her heart is in a good place and herwedding experiences are all Mormon weddings so it's a little different for her.  I just felt awkward and had to share.

Re: Embarassed--just need to vent/share

  • edited December 2011
    Why don't you guys go out to a bar/club one night to celebrate and to hang out? That way, no one is awkward or on the spot to throw you something.
  • Amerbutt81Amerbutt81 member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    Val, that was exactly what I was going to say!You don't need to do a bachelorette party all over again, but have the ladies get a little sassed up and go to your favorite bar.  Done and done ;)LB
    Mrs. JEGs
    est 7.17.10
    Hunter Fillmore
    October 1, 2011

    Lizzie In Progress
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks Ladies, I did suggest dinner out.. girls are mostly all Mormon so the bar thing isn't their scene.  I'm really just hoping they'll all do nothing and we can just continue playing ball on Thursdays and not worry about it.
  • edited December 2011
    Maybe you could just do a basketball getotgether sort of thing like. someone could bring some chips or snacks to basketball and you guys could hang out for a little bit after the game to chat/eat etc?
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