So my friend just came back from Iraq (YEAH!!) and we got to hang out last night. We play basketball with a large group of girls every Thursday. I'm talking about 15 or 20 girls, only 2 of which I am really close with and are invited to the wedding. Last night, the one girl J says, "So are we having any kind of wedding events down here for you?" and I answered, "No, not that I know of" So she turns to C, the girl who just came back from Iraq and says, "C, you should throw a party for her." C says, "Oh hell no! I don't throw parties. Can't we just combine it with my welcome back dinner (that I'm throwing) on Sunday?" and everyone laughs--- C really isn't into throwing parites and she just got back from Iraq. Anyway, I say, "Guys, thanks for the love, but you don't have to do anything for me. It's cool. I know you're all excited for me." Unfortunately, J doesn't really let up on the idea and neither does C. C is running around trying to get other girls there to throw me a party and then loudly announcing, "Hey! This one or that one will do it!" and I found myself getting really embrassed and not sure what to say. I continually repeat that NO ONE needs to throw me a party-- I've had a bach and shower already--but no one listens. I sorta just left feeling really weird about the whole thing. I'm going to say something to C today, cause I really feel like she put me on the spot a lot and she should know better and with J, I'm not really sure what else to say. I know her heart is in a good place and herwedding experiences are all Mormon weddings so it's a little different for her. I just felt awkward and had to share.