Wedding Reception Forum

Chair Covers

Hey brides and brides- to-be out there!  I am getting married in a year and a half and am just getting down to serious planning.  I am looking for any tips on chair covers.  All research is looking at prices being the lowest at 2.35.  I'm not trying to cheap out, jut making sure I am not spending money where it doesn't need to be spent.  Any help is appreciated, thank you all!Smile

Re: Chair Covers

  • I would pick a venue first and see what it looks like, and see what their chairs look like before you decide on them.  We went with chair covers because our ballroom was pretty plain so they definitely dressed the room up.  We did a black and white wedding with pink accents, and since our table linens were white we opted for the black chair covers with a white sash.  They completely changed the look of the room and made it much more elegant.  But they aren't for everyone, and don't fit into every wedding's decor. 

    We got ours through a local dry cleaning company that carried them, and we ended up paying about $2 each.  They didn't have to pay for dry cleaning services though obviously on them, which many places factor into their costs.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • Our hall includes them as part of the package, so that's another reason to wait until you find a hall to worry about this (unless you already have a hall). Around here, several venues include chair covers since most people want them anyway.

  • Look into purchasing them from  They are running a Cyber Monday sale tomorrow (tomorrow only) and chair covers will be 50% off.  They ran the same promotion this past Black Friday and I got my white polyester banquet chair covers for $1.30 a piece with free shipping!

    If you aren't ready to commit to purchasing them quite yet, sign up for their emails and follow them on Twitter.  They run contests through Twitter every day where you can  win $50 or $100 gift cards.  I've been signed up for a few months now and they've run a few 20% off sales since then as well. 

    Here's a link to the info on their Cyber Monday sale:
  • Definitely set up your budget and then choose your venue first. I wanted them really bad, but decided against them bc they were just way too expensive and it wasn't in the budget. My husband and MIL convinced me that they weren't worth it and we could use the money elsewhere that meant something more to us or for our guests, which is what we did.

    You may want to check out the Wedding Classifieds board as well as your local boards. I have also heard of brides buying them used on ebay or whatever and then either tossing them or reselling them.
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