So FI has 56 guests coming to the wedding who are family. I have 9. Well, I HAD 9.. It was: my parents, my aunt and uncle, 2 cousins, 1 cousins husband, a great uncle and my aunt. and that's literally all the family we have - all the grandparents have passed away, I am an only child, and each of my parents only had one sibling (one of which is my aunt from CA who never got married). Got a call yesterday that my aunt from California who recently underwent chemo was in the hospital for pneumonia last week. Her doctor recommends she not fly so soon since airplanes carry a high chance for picking up infection and she has a weakened immune system.. So that brought me down to 8. Got a call today from my aunt that my uncle is in the hospital because he woke up this morning and had problems walking, so they're trying to figure out what's wrong. So now he's a "we'll see" for the wedding day.

I guess I am just kind of feeling down on myself right now for the lack of family that I have. we've always been a small family, but it sucks even more at times like this when it really makes you focus on what little family you really do have left

I am trying to look at the bright side of a) I am marrying into a larger family and b) what little family I do have I should cherish even more and stay close with.