Wedding Reception Forum

Will anyone care if vases don't match?

Honestly, it would look great to get matching vases/bowls for the reception centerpieces, but would it look terrible to use a variety?  And by "variety," I mean "whatever I can pick up over the next few months at garage sales and St. Vinny's."  Thanks for your opinions!

Re: Will anyone care if vases don't match?

  • Nope.  I promise, no one will notice.

    We had two different sets of sizes for our floating candle holders.  I didn't even notice.
  • Nope!  If anyone mentions it, tell them you were going for an eclectic look.  (But I doubt anyone will.)  If you want to unify them a bit, perhaps you can tie the same ribbon around all of them.
    This is a neglected planning bio.
    This is a belated married bio, with no reviews yet because I'm lazy.

    Sometimes I feel like people think that brides are delicate little flower princesses who get all dressed up and pretty for one special moment of their dreams, when really they're just normal people who just happen to be getting married. Things shouldn't have to be sugar-coated for grown-ass women. -mstar284
  • NO! 

    If you have completely different styles, they might notice, but probably not, and they certainly won't care. 

    Maybe if you stuck to 2 or 3 basic shapes or similar sizes, or check out Wal-mart or thrift shops.
  • Oh heck no! I hope not, because many of mine won't match. I'm not even doing the same centerpieces on each table!

    It depends on the look you are going for, ie your theme, if you have one. You can mix silver bowls/creamers/vases with anything else, and many kinds of china, and they all go well with glass vases.

    You can do whatever you want. Actually, I think some of the eclectic mixed tabletops look the richest.

    Good luck with your discount shopping!
  • No. In fact, I sometimes like this look more!

    Obiously keep the same feel/look like pps said, but I love a great ecclectic look.
  • I think either all of them match or half and half, or all of them different. I think any of those will be fine, and keepin each table different just a tiny bit is kinda fun, if you ask me.
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