
Flip Flop Basket

Hello - I have a question on the flip flop basket.  How many pairs are you purchasing?  are you estimating one for every female and just getting a bunch of sizes?  Or just purchasing a specific amount?Thanks!

Re: Flip Flop Basket

  • bigjajapoofbigjajapoof member
    edited December 2011
    We counted how many female guests we have coming and then purchased about 75% of that amount.
    Even though i'm now married you ladies can't get rid of me. Hit me up BOOYAH!!!
  • jrogers8115jrogers8115 member
    edited December 2011
    just wanted to say..this is a great idea. Walmart has flip flops for $2.99 a each! Wonderful..thank you!
  • edited December 2011
    We got 20 pairs.  4 each of small and extra large, then 6 each of medium and large.  I printed out tags to display the sizes and tied them with raffia.  Easy.  I don't know how popular they'll be for my wedding since it'll be November and most women will be wearing stockings, but if my feet were hurting I'd definitely take off the stockings and use flip flops.  I think 75% is too much to plan for.
  • edited December 2011
    jrogers - you can get them for cheaper! $3 a pair is steep. Try Michaels or other craft stores. Even ON after summer sales are for like $1 a pair. :]
  • edited December 2011
    I had 15 women's pairs for my 130 guest wedding.  They were gone quickly!  Get more!
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