
High Resolution CD??

Hey!  I was hoping you girls might be able to help me.  My DH and I are planning to purchase our photos from our photographer on a high resolution CD.  It is 300DPI.  He explained to us that we could only print photos that are 5x7 and less.  I assumed this was fair because he wants returned business.  He charges a flat fee for the CD.If you bought your CD from your photographer are you also limited on the size of prints?  If you don't mind sharing how much did you pay for your CD?  And how many proofs did you get?

Re: High Resolution CD??

  • edited December 2011
    we can print whatever size from our disk. And our disk was included with our package. We paid $3400 total for everything: e-pics & cd of images, 11x14 print on hard backing, 7 hours of coverage, cd of images, 200 proofs and our 10x10 flush mount album
  • edited December 2011
    We can print whatever size we want and it includes all of the images -- roughly 600-800 I was told. I believe it is supposed to be $250 - $300 but we worked a deal so we get it for free.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    A CD is included in our package, so I'm not sure of the exact cost. We were told that with two photographers we can expect anywhere from 800-900 proofs.I'm also not sure about the print sizes, as we plan to print the images ourselves through another service. Assuming the images are high res, you should be able to print larger than 5x7!
  • edited December 2011
    Steffiel, that is what someone said to me which is what made me question it.  Our photographer was upfront about this and gave me other options.  I guess I am trying to figure out if it is worth it to buy the CD.  The cost is $800 to print 5x7's and less.  He said he would give us the ability to print all sizes for $1,500, but is it worth it?  We also get a proof book, DVD slideshow and album.  I am not sure if purchasing the CD would be worth it in the end since we still have to purchase larger prints??  And paying an additional $700 to print any size seems a little much when I don't think we will order $700 in larger prints.  What do you girls think?
  • edited December 2011
    High Res pics are much bigger than 5 by 7. The types of cameras photographers use would enable you to print up to 16 by 20 even so long as the pictures are sharp.
  • edited December 2011
    I say take the CD & print them yourself and/or make your own album if you aren't ordering one from the photog. That's what the CD is for anyway :]
  • edited December 2011
    We already paid for our album.  It was included in our package. 
  • EatonpoosayEatonpoosay member
    edited December 2011
    I think that's really excessive. I'm getting 2 photographers, full day coverage, and a cd that I can use to print any photo I want up to a 20x30 for $2350. And he's ranked as one of the best photographers in Philadelphia.
  • bigjajapoofbigjajapoof member
    edited December 2011
    Something doesn't sound right, if they are High Res pictures you should be able to print them as large as you want. There's nothing to stop you from doing that. For example @ 300dpi. For a 2 Megapixel Camera the image can't be larger then roughly a 6x4. 8 Megapixels will net you 11x8.Generally speaking whenever you print a photograph it should be AT LEAST 300 dpi if not more.
    Even though i'm now married you ladies can't get rid of me. Hit me up BOOYAH!!!
  • edited December 2011
    Eaton - I think nearly everyone's photog here is falls into that ranking as well.
  • EatonpoosayEatonpoosay member
    edited December 2011
    True but he was actually voted to be on My Fox Philly. Point is too many photographers seem to take advantage of people by charging outrageous fees for prints and cd's.
  • bkallenbkallen member
    edited December 2011
    I would assume that the best quality you're going to get is 5x7- but that you can print larger. We made sure to get a photographer that would give us a CD with our pictures- not really b/c we want to print them ourselves- but because we wanted the back-up.  We can put the CD in a fire-proof safe and god-forbid something happens 30 years down the road, we'll still have our pictures! So to me, the $800 is worth it if you have it! I don't know very much about digital photographs- but I have to question if he sets some kind of security if you try to print larger?  It seems like you should definately be able to print larger than 5x7 when my crappy digital camera took a pictures I enlarged to poster sized beautifully.  I'd ask him more questions, and see if you can get him to show you examples of what the pictures might look like if your printed 8x10 or so.
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