My fiance and I are planning a low budget wedding. We are going to have it in a chapel that we met at and then we have the reception outside the chapel under a big tent. We are inviting 200 people (we both have a big family and close friends). However, we realized that food was EXPENSIVE! We had thought about doing a reception with a bunch of appitizers and salads and beverages. However, this would still take up a huge portion of our budget.
My fiance came up with this idea. His aunt and grandma had offered to cook for our wedding. However, this is a huge party to cook for. We thought of asking them to cook the main course and a pasta course (for vegitarians). Then we thought that we could have a food contest where we could have different catagories for food (potato dish, dips, salads, etc). They would sign up for advance in the catagory they would want to compete in. Then on the day of our wedding the guests could try the food and vote on their favorite in that catagory. Then after figuring out the winners we could award blue ribbons to those who won.
I thought it was a cute idea but didn't know how the guests would feel about it? I could see it going both ways. Thoughts?