I was the girl who couldn’t wait to get engaged because I thought that planning my wedding would be so much fun…and it was, for the most part. I now look at it the same way that I recall pledging a sorority in college: the best fun that I never want to have again

For the most part, it was fun and exciting (and gave me lots of excuses to shop!) but it was also very stressful and caused tears and fights on more occasions that I’d like to think about. I found out that in-laws are never going to be easy, my family is too big and you can’t please everyone all of the time. Lucky for me I found a fabulous group of ladies that completely understood exactly what I was going through here on the DW board. No one IRL understands quite what you girls mean to me and that I never would have pulled off my dream wedding in Antigua without each of you. As everyone says (but it is true), I wouldn’t have palm fans, monograms, b-pics or know about TTD, if it wasn’t for our fabulous board. As much as Brian makes fun of TK (and now ND), he knows that is because of all of you that got me through this insane planning period.. I’ve never been to a DW, nor do I even know anyone who hasn’t gotten married in a Catholic church and had the reception in a hall in Philadelphia. I first stumbled upon this board last August when I had just chosen a location and really didn’t know what to do next. There was a girl named Marelina who was leaving to get married at Sandals in St. Lucia (where I had just gotten engaged) and already knowing that we were getting married at Sandals in Antigua and I loved following her posts right before she left and when she returned. As it turns out I am now getting married just one day from her one year anniversary and she has been a huge help to me with my little questions over the past year. I basically lurked on the board for quite a while with a little comment here and there until Lisa7 reached out to me and welcomed me to the board. I was then hooked. Lisa was also a Sandals bride and has been so kind to me throughout my planning process. When she shared her wedding video with me, I cried my eyes out as if I was actually there sharing the day with her! My final long “shoutout” is to a knottie-nestie who probably has no idea that she inspired me, but Katy (Katers) is the person whose wedding photos convinced me that I NEEDED to have the pink and orange color scheme as well as have Leah Stafford shooting my wedding. I want to thank everyone who has been there for me, given me advice and opinions and helped me to justify having bought 2 dresses

I have so many people to thank and I will definitely leave some people out seeing as I have a million things on my mind right now, but I’m going to try my best. To so many of the now nesties that have gone before me not already mentioned above: Jill (for SO much, but especially my gorgeous monograms!), Jaye, Samantha (can’t wait to wear the infamous hoodie!), Courtney, Nicole (ncost), NatalieJP, Paige (who I counted final weeks down with), Mary, Maria, Rose, all the Ashleys, Eleise and Lori (loririck.) To all the girls who will have their dream weddings after mine: Eliza, PinkLori, both Danielles, LadyBird, oohlypinion, Normailed, Tracy (burgh), t1nkfan, kreeves, Alison (pilgrim and Alaskan), the rest of the Natalies, ginaherman, SandalGirl, Shelli, Krissy, Jamie, Sarah, Salt, Kahtie, FutureMrsC, Marci, Lisa (chosen), brunstar and teakum. The next thing you know, you will be writing your LPs. This day really snuck up on me. For the past 13 months, I just wanted the wedding to get here already. This entire past week, I would have killed for another week! I thought I was so prepared, yet why do I still have to pack when I’m done writing this?! Use your time wisely. Get as much as you can get done now. I have to return to packing as we are leaving for the airport in just under 4 hours. I’m not back until the 22nd, but Leah and the rest of my guests return on the 16th so feel free to stalk fb and/or Leah’s blog for a preview. (I’m not the only lunatic who does this when girls leave for their weddings, right?) See you girls on the flip side!