Destination Weddings Discussions

Good Hawaii/Jamaica/Bahamas Wedding sites?

Hello! I am new to these boards =) I currently living in Texas but am strongly considering a Destination Wedding somewhere tropical since our wedding guest list is so tiny and I figured it would be a lot more fun then just eloping lol. I was wondering if anyone knew any great websites that offer weddings in Hawaii, Jamaica or the Bahamas. Thanks so much in advance!

Re: Good Hawaii/Jamaica/Bahamas Wedding sites?

  • Welcome to the board!! I'm a Bahamas Bride - Nassau to be exact. We've booked everything on our own and are not using a wedding package, so sorry I'm no help. But if you need more info on resorts you find on New Providence, let me know. We've pretty much checked almost all of them out and we went with the Hilton.
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  • Welcome! Where in Texas are you? I'm in Dallas. I'm getting married at the chapel at the Grand Wailea in Maui! They have been wonderful... I definately recommend it!!!!
  • We are doing the Sandals Grande in Jamaica. I've done all my planning through a TA and the wedding coordinator from the resort. It has been very easy. I've been to Jamica 3 times before so I knew I would love my wedding there. If you have any questions just send me a message.
  • My brother and his wife got married at Couples Swept Away in Negril Jamaica and they were very happy with everything, and all of us guests had fun too :)  Although it's certainly convnient, I'm not really into all-inclusive resorts (didn't feel so safe the one time I went off the resort with my cousin) so I think it'd be awesome to get married on Hawaii.  I went on vacation there a few years ago and loved the island of Kauai.  It's really laid back there and absolutely gorgeous.
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