Destination Weddings Discussions

B-pics yesterday!!

I got b-pics done yesterday and it was so much fun!! I did find out that I can't make a "sexy" expression to save my life, I would just end up laughing...oh-well I guess that will just my personality come through =) A word of advice~you don't have to go and by the most expensive stuff, the things I got at Fredricks we didn't even use, but we used all the stuff I got at Walmart and off the clearance rack at Fred Meyer

Re: B-pics yesterday!!

  • Woohoo for B-pics!  I'm so glad to hear they were fun!Hahaha, I'm pretty sure I can't make a "sexy" expression to save my life either, so we'll see how mine go in a couple months.I am soooo over-buying for them also, I must have like 7 different things picked out to wear and I'm still looking. It's obsessive.
  • Wasn't it FANTASTIC? I absolutely loved doing them. And I agree with the cheap stuff - the best thing I had for pictures was this one I got at Dillard's on sale for FOUR DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS. I literally grabbed it because it was so cheap and didn't even try it on. I got an email from my photographer this morning saying that she just went through my pictures and they looked great... I hate waiting to see them!! She is such a tease!! LOL When do you get to see your proofs?
  • Yay! I'm so glad you had fun! I was just thinking this morning that I've got to get my butt in gear since I'm going to be stripping down in front a camera in -gah!- like 6 months! gulp.I too, am buying way too much crap for my b-pics. I already had stuff that would work, and then I went and bought like 4 more outfits from VS. I bet you anything most of my pics will be of me in FI's shirt, and me in stuff I already owned. Oh-well.....I guess I'll bring the rest with me on the honeymoon.
  • Lady-She said she'd have them up in a couple weeks! How am I supposed to wait that long??? I was hoping to get a sneak peak yesterday, but she wants to edit them first =) Alison- I think my best pics will be in FI's b-ball jersey and in stuff i already had....but we'll use any excuse to shop, right? LOL
  • How fun, thanks for the heads up!!
  • Ah! A couple of weeks is killer!! I got to peek at a very few of them during our shoot... I am going to be a total AW when mine are in and probably show them to like EVERYONE on here... LOL!
  • That's so cool!  I'm glad you had a bunch of fun doing them!
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