Destination Weddings Discussions

Delivering OOT bags?

Hi!  I know, I don't post much anymore - work is out of control, but I do find I have questions every now and then and I know you ladies are always here.  Here's my latest query:Not all of my guests are staying at the resort where I'm getting married - I have 2 couples staying at a neighboring resort.  Did any of you encounter problems with that other resort offering to deliver the OOT bags to the rooms?  How did you work that out?TIA!

Re: Delivering OOT bags?

  • I know exactly what you mean - not only with work, but the guests staying at another location than you.  What we have done is invited everyone to a happy hour "welcome reception" and we will give the bags there.  You might also check if the guests resorts and yours share privileges (I can't remember the word for this).  If so, it would be very easy to just drop the bags off at the front desk early on the day they arrive.
  • We are doing the same thing as PP... the wedding is at a pretty pricey resort, and we didn't expect that many couples would be able to stay there. We are having a welcome party a few nights before the wedding - and will give them out there! I wouldn't worry too much about the other two couples - since its only two then it won't be a big deal if you just run them over to hand deliver them! :-)
  • We are going out on a boat for our RH dinner. I will have the OOT bags already on the boat when we get there. Hope that helps?!?!
  • Thanks so much, guys.  We're having a small amount of guests and they are trickling in...maybe I will just wait for the rehearsal dinner.Thanks for all the ideas!
  • We are having a Welcome Party our 1st day in Aruba and we are handing out our OOT bags to all of our guests then. Just another option....
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