Destination Weddings Discussions

Happy Friday!!!!

Morning!!!  Even though I was up late last night I just can't sleep! Today I am going shopping with my sisters for some last minute wedding things-my younger's sis is getting married next week and tomorrow is her stagette! Woohooo!Its going to be a crazy weekend and I won't on here at all so hope you all have a fabulous weekend too!

Re: Happy Friday!!!!

  • Morning ladies!! I can't believe it's Friday already.. This week flew by! I am still in bed... Knotting from the phone... Haha I have about 10 more minutes until I need to get up and have Jillian kick my butt!! Today should be another normal day at the office... Friends birthday party tonight and then tomorrow I am shopping fir the wedding with FMIL and FSIL, and having a girly night with my MOH and BM while FI has his bachelor party! And OMGOMGOMG my ticker!!!!!!!!!! Aaaahhh!!!!!!!
  • Morning ladies!  Tonight we're going to a friend's house for dinner with a bunch of other couples.  I'm actually going to try on another wedding dress there as well.  I know, I know, I already have a dress but this couple had actually bought a dress for their granddaughter and unfortunately they called off the engagement while the dress was being shipped so..... yeah..... we'll see!And SARAH!  OMG... one month.... ONE freakin' month!  Soooooooo close!!!Happy Friday everyone! 
  • Morning all!A friend of mine is coming tomorrow and we are having a girls day/night.  I'm introducing her to 2 of the best movies ever - Labyrinth and Shag!  Seriously, these movies are the cheesiest, but they are so awesome!Then Sunday is wedding stuff.
    Sara B BabyFruit Ticker VOTE on my Name List
  • Good MORNING! Yay for Fridays! I have the whole weekend off because I'm standing in a wedding.  It is supposed to be one of the nicest weekends we've had all summer! That means at least Sunday I can enjoy it and lay out by the pool! Hope everyone has a great weekend, I won't be able to knot much I will be out of town and busy!
  • Morning ladies!!! Hopefully w/ our busy schedule the day will fly by. Tonight we're going out to FI's parents' and helping set up for FFIL's 50th b-day party tomorrow. Tomorrow morning we have a cake tasting for the AHR, then we're off to par-tay! I also won't be around much this weekend, so i hope everyone has fun!!! Woohoo for 1 month!!!!
  • Woo hoo! I'm getting some small things done this morning and then off to the baseball game tonight. Tomorrow I'm in my best friend's wedding, and Sunday will be spend recovering from entirely too much champagne and wine. Have a great weekend ladies! Ladybrid- OMG!! Just wait until tomorrow when that ticker starts saying days.
  • Congrats Sarah!! Lucky girl!! Have fun this weekend Lori! I don't have big plans this weekend, going shopping with my sister for her birthday present tomorrow and not sure what else! Have great weekends everyone!
  • Hi Ladies!Today is a big travel planning day for us.  We are paying for our resort in full and buying our plan tickets!  And also applying for our passports.  No turning back now ;)Hoping to have a chill, quality-time night with FI.  Either movies curled up on the couch or going to the theater to take care of my popcorn craving.Have a happy day!
  • Good morning ladies, its Friday, woo hoo!!  Denvers season kicks off tonight and Chicago tomorrow so it will be a busy football weekend, cannot wait.  Today I am working from home, tonight we are having dinner with some friends at Medieval Times(laughs), tomorrow we have tickets to the Cubs game and are meeting up with friends before and Sunday will be totally relaxing and getting some wedding stuff done.PS- I talked to Eleise after her for sale post yesterday and I am buying her dress for my TTD, I love the simple elegance of the dress and think it will look fabulous in pictures!
  • Hi all, Im so happy it's friday! I might get a pani/pedi at work at lunch today :) I am still desperately wanting to do wedding stuff (i didn't reach the burn out point) and i have all these social commitments that are interfereing :) I need to send out my STDs as soon as possible - it's already 9 months out!Most likely i am going to see District 9 today - it's getting rave reviews. Anyone else is being dragged by their FI's to see it?
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