Destination Weddings Discussions

Whale Wars

Anyone else watching this? I am stunned how they butcher these poor whales. I am sitting here thinking how could someone could enjoy shooting such beautiful creatures?!

Re: Whale Wars

  • It's so sad! DH told me to look away but of course I looked.  Ughhhh!!!
  • I have watched this show faithfully since season 1. I even applied to become a Sea Shepard, although if they were to call I think I would seriously have to consider whether or not I could do the 3 month long journey to Antarctica. But it cost $100 just to apply, which of course goes toward their fund since they rely solely on donations, so it was really my way to help out. But wow would that be awesome if they actually call me!!
  • DF refuses to watch this show with me. I always end up in the ugly cry.
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