Destination Weddings Discussions

I talked FI into taking more e-pics :-)

My theory is you can never have too many pictures. Plus, this will be a second test run for the trip, right. Girls, am I crazy for wanting to take more E-pics?! When I ran the idea past FI he didn't seem overly excited about taking more, but he didn't say no either! Yesterday he told me if I wanted to take more he'd do it. He's smart enough to realize this was an easy way to earn "fiance points". You really can't beat a 2 hour photo session, which includes a disc of all the good pics, for under $50! Also, FI brought up the idea of running a slide show at our at home reception to share our pics from the trip and our e-pics. He's really starting to get excited. :-) YAY!

Re: I talked FI into taking more e-pics :-)

  • Thats AWESOME! I wish we would have taken e-pics... how on earth did you find someone to do it for under 50 bucks? Thats an amazing deal... I am totally jealous...
  • That's exciting!  Our photographer is doing our E-pics in a couple of weeks ~ it was her suggestion and I'm glad she did!  I'm very fortunate that she's using this session as  "get to know you" session and won't be charging us.  And, I love the idea of doing a slide show at the AHR's sharing the pics from the cruise, wedding, and all other events!! 
  • Yayyyyy! Congrats!!
  • What a deal! Hubby and I never did do our e-pics. We just ran out of time so we are trying to find a photographer in New Orleans do some for our one year anniversary (which is in two weeks!!).  The cheapest we have found is $250 so you really cant beat the deal you got!
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