Destination Weddings Discussions


Welcome to the board!  I am getting married at Moon Palace.  Most of the info I have is on MP, but do think I have some that applies to Beach Palace as well.  Have you already received information from your wedding coordinator?

Re: **GonnaBMrsA***

  • Sorry for the delay- I've been away on vacay! I have not spoken to my wedding coordinator from Beach Palace yet, just the offsite wedding coordinator that sent the wedding contract, etc. Have you received anything from your wedding coordinator? In the contract it says I have to speak to the onsite wedding coordinator 30 days before but I have a million questions that I'm going to need answered before October! What has your experience been so far? BTW, Moon Palace looks awesome- we're actually going there for our night before the wedding dinner!
    The Journey
    Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic
    TTC with PCOS since 4/2011
    1500mg Metformin
    4 Clomid cycles (3 cancelled) / 2 Clomid + Follistim + IUI cycles
    10/2012 & 11/2012- Treatment break while waiting for new insurance to become effective.
    IUI #3 in December... or not. Surprise BFP on 12/9/12!
    12/10 Beta #1: 25, 12/13 Beta #2: 122, 12/17 Beta #3: 738
    12/20 1st u/s, 12/27 2nd u/s with a heartbeat!, 1/3 3rd u/s & released from RE

    EDD: 8/21/13
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • I've actually only emailed the onsite wedding coordinator once or twice.  And that was just in the past few weeks since our date is getting so close.  Most of the information I have is through my travel agent with  The MP WC anwered all my questions (at least what I have so far!) and replied within a day or two.I can email you the info that I have if you're interested!  Also, I'm sure it would be just fine if you contacted the on-site coordinator prior to the 30 days.  Can your current contact give you her email?
  • Good idea, thanks- I'll ask the WC for the onsite coordinator's email (why didn't I think of that?!) Most of the info I have is from my travel agent also. She found a contact at the resort that answered a lot of my preliminary questions when we first booked the resort. That would be great if you could email me the info you have too. My email is Thanks for your help- it's good to talk to someone that is going to the same chain of resorts:)
    The Journey
    Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic
    TTC with PCOS since 4/2011
    1500mg Metformin
    4 Clomid cycles (3 cancelled) / 2 Clomid + Follistim + IUI cycles
    10/2012 & 11/2012- Treatment break while waiting for new insurance to become effective.
    IUI #3 in December... or not. Surprise BFP on 12/9/12!
    12/10 Beta #1: 25, 12/13 Beta #2: 122, 12/17 Beta #3: 738
    12/20 1st u/s, 12/27 2nd u/s with a heartbeat!, 1/3 3rd u/s & released from RE

    EDD: 8/21/13
    BabyFetus Ticker
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