Destination Weddings Discussions

Morning Gals!

Just popping in to say hi!!!  Its been so hectic the last couple sister had her bachelorette Saturday night then yesterday was her bridal shower (6 more days til her wedding!!!).  Today is a beach day though so that should be nice and relaxing!  Hope you all had a great weekend and have a fabulous Monday!!!!

Re: Morning Gals!

  • Hi Lori,I am checking in earlier than usual because i just don't want to go to work :)This weekend we actually had awesome summer weather and so i spent it at the beach/by the pool! It was so great to finally enjoy the weather. Tomorrow i have the day off so i can finally get to mail my STDs! Yay :) I am way behind schedule (9 months) but most people know our plans already, so hopefully it should be ok.Have a great Monday!
  • Morning!! I had a busy weekend with my friends wedding, it felt nice to actually sleep in my own bed last night after 4 days!! I now work the next couple days so it's back to reality! On a happy note I am starting to figure out the new digital camera Colin bought for me :-) hope everyone has a great monday!
  • Good morning! I am still tired today. My best friend's wedding was awesome on Saturday, and Sunday wasn't too bad for a hangover, especially considering how much and how long we were all drinking. She left for her honeymoon in the Dominican today, so I'll be missing her all week. Have a great day ladies!
  • This weekend was a big waste, aside from getting ordering my dress and setting the date and place for my shower.  It was way too hot to do anything at all yesterday that I had wanted to do (ie: Yard work).  I hate spending summer days inside but I did atleast get stuff done inside.  All the same... I feel like I got jipped.  It's supposed to be 90+ here again today, thankfully i'm at work in AC:).  Have a great day ladies!
  • Morning girls! This weekend was pretty productive - got a few wedding-related checks done. FI's Bachelor Party was on Saturday - so Sunday we spent the majority of the day laying around doing very little. :-) Hope everyone has a FANTASTIC week!
  • Morning! This past weekend was very mellow.  Just what we needed - it's the first weekend I can remember in months that we didn't have anything planned and just chilled. We did get some travel checks done on Friday - applied for our passports, paid for our resort in full and purchased our plane tickets.  So happy all that is taken care of!Have a great day knotties!
  • Morning!  Laid back weekend for me as well.  Not much going on this week!!!!  :)
  • To be honest, my weekend sucked. Of course, it was only because I was working. But, I'm off today and tomorrow and I'm going to make the best of it. I've got a photo shoot today and tomorrow so at least I have some stuff to keep me busy since my FI isn't coming to town. Hope all you Knotties make it through Monday.
  • Morning ladies!!Today I'm admiring the burn I got on my FI's deck yesterday - love it! Today is looking icky cloudy, and I'm going for coffee with a male friend I pretty much ditched when I met FI two years ago... gonna be weird. Other than that - not a lot up.  Stalking my wedding co for our actual wedding package price - such fun!  Hope everyone has a super day!
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