Destination Weddings Discussions

Confessions Thursday

My confession is I totally binged on Tuesday. I ate one of the little pints of Eddys icecream as well as some reeces peanutbutter cup cookies (the ones that taste like tagalongs). I feel so guilty now. ::hangs head in shame::

Re: Confessions Thursday

  • Tracy, I prefer not to tell you how many raisonettes I ate last night. I know they have 30% less fat than other chocolates, but trust me, I made up for it.
  • I feel ya!  I can't step away from the trail mix!!
  • Oh AND...... I have 591 unopened emails on my blackberry since July 29th and I just deleted from Aug. 7 backward
  • My confession is that I want what you had Tracy.  Reeces sound sooo good right now.  I may walk next door and buy one.  Okay my other confession before drooling over Tracy's post is that tomorrow is FMIL's birthday and I would really rather do something else.
  • Speaking of tastey treats - I had one of those new Girl Scout cookie blizzards from Dairy Queen on Sunday. Mmmmm...tag-along cookies + ice cream = *heaven*  Considering it was all I ate that day other than a bowl of corn flakes & a nectarine, I didn't feel one bit guilty and enjoyed every bite!
  • My boss swears.  I have known him for over three years, and this is the first time I have ever heard him say a swear word.  I didn't even know he knew what they meant (he is an older Korean gentleman).  I think we have hit another level in our work relationship.
    A & T Since 2009 Parents of A born July 2010
  • I had TWO almond joys candy bars today. I have never had two in one day, but it was calling me from the machine...definitely a chocolate and sugar week.
  • O.k. this is probably TMI, but it's confessions Thursday! I have sex on the brain! I haven't seen my FI for over a week and it's killing me. Now he wants me to come spend the weekend up where he lives which just happens to be with his parents. Uggghhhhh! I don't want a weekend with the fam!
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