So tonight our power went out only in our sunporch and only in certain plugs and the lights. The plugs on one wall work as does the ceiling fan. I tried tripping the breaker and it didn't work. So I called the electrician we know and he said he could come fix it Monday (he's going out of town for a wedding tomm)- ok so whatev, fine he doesn't think it's anything worrisome or dangerous.Well, here's the vent part... we have a hot tub out there that is on the breaker that isn't working. So FI thinks it might damage the hot tub not being able to run for 3 days. So I call the guy that sold us the hot tub- I called the number on his business card, thinking it's a business number right, and that I'll leave a msg and he can call me in the a.m. Well I'm waiting for a machine to come on when someone answers the phone. And I say I was calling to ask a quick question but thought I would get an answering machine and sorry to call so late. And he says "Come on, I'm in bed it's ten o'clock! Call me in the morning "Ok f***er, don't list your home number on your freaking business card then!!!!!!!!! I mean don't get me wrong he's been really helpful in the past, but I'm irked at his response because he shouldn't have that on his business card if he expects people to call that number!!!! Anyone else agree with this, or am I crazy???Ok, vent over, sorry that took so long! A strong margarita on the rocks for all that made it through!