Destination Weddings Discussions

Thanks for all the love

Thanks ladies for all your support! I just got home from the hospital, MOH is doing okay.. Things are still touch and go right now, they are waiting for the clots to dissapate and are giving her blood thinners and keeping track of her heart to make sure none move there. Unfortunatly she is still in a lot of pain and they are having a hard time figuring out what to give her (she started having a reacation to the codine so they have her hooked up on morphine now) but the good news is that she is in a great hospital and has been getting good care! I am heading back tomorow morning, I will keep you all updated. Keep the vibes coming, just knowning so many people have her in their thoughts and prayers means so much to me and our family.

Re: Thanks for all the love

  • Thanks for the update! I was thinking about you this morning. I'll keep the vibes and prayers coming! Hopefully they cancer her all fixed up soon... :)
  • Hey there, I was just catching up on reading today's posts and read your previous one. I'm sorry to hear what your MOH went through and glad she is doing okay. How did she get blood clots in her lungs? Sending out vibes for a speedy recovery. I will keep her in my prayers. Thanks for the update :)
  • OMG i just read what I wrote and iPhones are ridiculous sometimes... I didn't mean to say "Hopefully they cancer her all fixed up soon"... i MEANT to say "hopefully they [b]can get[/b] her all fixed up soon!" MAN... lol...
  • Glad she's doing okay, thanks for the update!! I'm sending more ::vibes:: that she will continue to recover.
  • Healing ::VIBES:: and prayers headed your way!!
  • Many "keep getting better" vibes coming your way!
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