Destination Weddings Discussions

August WL Challenge - WI

Happy Monday Ladies!  How is everyone doing?  I hope everyone had a great weekend.  So lets hear how everyone did this last week.I got on the scale and I think when I WI last week AF was getting ready to visit that's why I gained.  This week I stepped on the scale and was down!  So I DIDN'T really gain last week just water weight.  I'm down 1.6LBS from two weeks ago!

Re: August WL Challenge - WI

  • Hi Tracy.  I had a pretty stressful week and loss a pound from last Monday.  I wish I'd continue to lose the pounds from here on out, but I'd rather do without all the stress! :)
  • Hey Tracy!  Turns out wine, beer, and eating out at restaurants for two weeks is not so good for the waistline! :) I'm up 2 lbs...time to get my butt in gear and start working out again!
  • I'm not really WI in right now because I've been down all last week with my stupid shingles. It's too painful to do anything, so I'm just trying to eat well, but I can't move around that much. I am so not looking forward to when I do start working out again (next week probably) and have to WI then. It's going to suuuuuuck!
  • Hey ladies! I can't remember where I was last week... but I know that I am down 10 TOTAL LBS THIS MONTH! I am totally expecting the fast losing to slow down... I think its just the initial burst of working out. lol... but yay!
  • Sara I hope you feel better.  What do they put you on for shingles? how long does it typically last?
  • They put me on Acyclovir which is generic for Zovirax, which is an antiviral. Shingles, like chicken pox, is part of the herpes simplex virus we all carry in our bodies. It usually lasts 2 weeks. It's just very painful, if I don't move at all it's ok, but that's obviously not possible so it just hurts all the time. And the antivirals they put me on are helping, so I can't imagine what this feels like if you don't have access to meds.
  • This week was a bust for me. I gained a pound or 2. All that sangria & desserts at my shower! Ugh!! I'm proud of you ladies for hangin in there!! Great losses ladybird & Tracy!
  • 0.5 for me :( I'm working my tail off with exercise and can tell I'm getting smaller but ALAS no scale change. Am starting back on WW (on my own) today!
  • Up by 1lb.  I had a really stressful weekend and was a bum last week, hopefully this week will be better!
  • Well I have been a total slacker last week, but some how I am only up .6lbs.  Hopefully with my change in work place and actually getting off my butt I will actually lose some this week!Also congrats Tracy and Ladybird!!  I am so happy for you guys!
    New bio with helpful info for DW knotties!
    Ashley & Josh ~ The Reef Resort ~ Grand Cayman~ May 15th 2010
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