I guess this really shouldn't be a big deal, but it's got me peeved. I have my personal camera in my cabinet at work, just so I can take candids of the residents and get pictures of them having fun. The nursing staff has their own camera to take the 'official' pictures, for the record books and for the insurance companies. Today, the OT in my office needed to get some photos of a woman on therapy, so instead of going to get the nurses camera, he went into my personal cabinet and took my camera. I addressed it with him, saying that I don't want him going in there and using my things, and he's getting all defensive and can't understand why I'm upset about it. It's my camera, not the facilities, and you can't just go rooting around in my stuff. I don't go fishing in his desk. Ugh! I'll get over it, just had to get that off my chest quickly.Thanks for listening.