Destination Weddings Discussions

Photo Scavenger Hunt

I know it's not the most original idea, but I think I want to do a photo scavenger hunt. I want it to be a week-long event where people find the items on the list and have the duration of the trip to complete it. Then we can have them load their photos to a photo sharing site. (So now to my point...sorry it took so long) I think it was on this board that a Knottie posted her "template" for the hunt. Anyone know who it may have been? I'm having trouble because I don't really know where to start. Also, I'd love to hear your ideas about what should be included in the hunt. I want some easy stuff (landmarks, beachy stuff, wedding stuff, etc), but also some more difficult or "be creative" type stuff since they'll have a week to complete it. So lay it on me, girls! You're all so creative...can't wait to hear your ideas!!

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