Alright so I am young, only 22 and will be married at 23. Colin and I have been together since we were 15 and 16. It's weird how things bring people so close together that you are inseparable. I have people who are now starting to comment on how we haven't experienced life and we will never stay married etc etc... I'm assuming because they are jealous on how good we are together and how much we love each other but this comments are really starting to hurt me, and starting to just flat out annoy me! Why can't people just deal with the fact two people are young and in love? Is that a hard concept to understand? Well this all has lead to people saying crap about doing a DW wedding. "The only reason you are doing this is b/c no one likes you, or even care about you" Flat out we chose to do a DW to be unique and do things are own way! This last year was a LONG road... a little back story... June 8,2008 I was involved in a car accident inwhich a girl ran a stop sign going about 90 and I ended up t boning her... both our cars ended up in a ditch, the engine of my PT cruisers was to my knees. I ended up getting out of the car, getting help etc. The girl in the other car on the other hand was dead on scene.... I knew this because I went to her car to try and help her. I was ok no major injuries but some very hard emotional things to deal with...Colin stuck by my side even on my bad days and if it wasn't for him I'm not sure I would be here to type my vent so thank god for life... but with that said.... The other thing bothering me is the people who are saying I "pressured" Colin into proposing.. which is pure BS! I was very content with where we were, even tho we have been dating for 7 years lol. I did not want more pressure or more to deal with. Working full time, in nursing clinical, planning a wedding, and dealing with other daily stuff is starting to take a toll on me! My poor hair is falling out, I don't sleep at night, and I am so stressed I'm not sure I can handle all of this anymore! AHH! I wish people weren't so stupid and add stress to my life! I have offically reached my breaking point and am not sure what to do anymore! I have to love all you girls for all your support and thanks to those who actually read this and comment!