Destination Weddings Discussions


Hey Misty,You don't know me, but here is some advice from a 33 year old that can look back to being 23....LEARN TO SAY F**K IT! I worried my whole life about what people thought and said, all it did was send me over the edge!!! Before I met me FI, I remember seriously considering packing up some things, my dog, and just driving away...never to be heard from again. Really. Just so I could get away from the way my life was headed and start something new. Background: my parents were divorcing after 31 years, my boyfriend of 7 years broke up with me and married my friend 6 months later, and then I lost my "then" job. I didn't leave, met my FI soon after, and things began to SLOWLY turn around. I work in a jail in Law Enforcement and I've learned a lot about people....good and bad ones. The bottem line is, make yourself happy and let the cards fall where they may, otherwise you will drive yourself crazy like I almost did. I do believe that all people have good in them, but I think they also come with the bad too and right now you're getting their bad sides. Cut it loose, don't stress and make the decisions that are best for you and the ones you love. I can look back now at my self at your age and think WOW how did I make it, but I did make it and so will you. You too will look back ten years from now, and even though your life won't be perfect, because we all have will be so thankful and happy that you went with  your heart. Your story touched me and I just wanted you to know that it will work out, just like it did for me. Trust me.

Re: ***mistym05***(long)

  • Thank you so much! It makes me feel so good to know you are willing to share that with me! I can't even imagine what life is going to be like 5 years from now, not sure what I am going to do once I finally get out of school for the first time! THANK YOU! I'm feeling a lot better once I got everything off my chest!
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