Destination Weddings Discussions

Vent: More Stress

I just a reply card from FI's cousin who was going to do my hair for the wedding, it was a no. So apparently she's not going now. I now have to find a place to get my hair done in Hawaii and spend $150 that I didn't budget b/c she was going to do it for free. I understand that it's expensive, plus she's married and has 2 kids, but it's just adding stress I didn't really need. Work and the rest of the wedding is providing enough stress by themselves. Thanks for letting me vent ladies, I'm sending an ice cold John Daly your way!

Re: Vent: More Stress

  • Search hair or hairdresser and the island you're getting married on on the Hawaii board. There's a couple that are strongly recommended on each island. Not to be like my sometimes not-so-helpful mom (and thus I'll proceed to be just like her...) it does suck, but I think this falls into the category of things that just happen when you plan a wedding really far away and spendy like HI. A friend of mine said she'll come and will do my makeup (she's a former makeup artist), and that will be great if she does, but if she can't swing it I'll have to make it work. Like you will. In the end, you'll find someone good, and the $150 will probably end up being a drop in the bucket.
  • I don't think you should have a problem finding someone... but really, I think she could have at least called to tell you she couldn't come after all, instead of just blind-siding you with an RSVP. Spending the extra money does sort of stink, but you should be able to find someone just as good, if not better, and maybe you will even feel like you can be pickier about your hair since you'll be paying for it. Where as if you were getting it done for free by a family member, you may be more inclined to just deal with something even if you don't love it. Just trying to find a bright side :)
  • UGH that sucks. at least she could have given you the heads up that she may not be able to come!! I agree with PP to check out the Hawaii boards... I lurk there sometimes because I can't post. For some reason whenever I try to post or reply it just doesn't let me :-( I bet if you called your WC she would be able to have a few suggestions! Does the hotel you are staying at have a spa also? They may be able to cut you a deal. It will all work out! :-)
  • Ugh - I agree with pps - at least she could have called   :(Sorry that you have to spend more moolah now...  maybe you'll be grateful in the end - she could have done it, and then you hated it, and then you got in a fight, and then more drama, and then family grudge for generations?  That's probably not so likely, but maybe the thought will help you feel better - I have a wild imagination lately :)
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  • aww that sucks! Maybe one of your friends can do your hair for you? Or one of your BM. Was his cousin a hairdresser or just good with hair.
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