Destination Weddings Discussions

Did you...

...purchase insurance for your trip?We're (hopefully) booking our resort, and thus securing our wedding date, today. It's just under 10 months out. I know the smart answer is to buy it. However, since we're buying so far out, we don't get any breaks on the room rates - and adding that additional $129 per person just adds on top of that.Thoughts please? TIA!
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Re: Did you...

  • No, we didn't buy any type of insurance on our trip or the wedding.  I guess we're risk takers getting married in the Caribbean in August.  We even had 2 hurricanes while we were there, but both went around the island and we just had some rain.
  • I did.  But I tend to live by the motto - Better to be safe than sorry. 
    Sara B BabyFruit Ticker VOTE on my Name List
  • We did as well... I am more of a mindset that travel insurance is unnecessary when you travel for fun (i.e anything can happen and just take it as it comes). We didn't buy it when we booked our trip to Peru 4 months out. BUT, its your wedding you're talking about. It's stressful enough, without the added worry about things being cancelled. Also, we never booked a trip a year in advance - so anything CAN really happen during that time.
  • We got it.  And I swear to god if the swine flu ruins my wedding...
  • We bought it too...we booked sooooo long ago (Feb. 2008), that we also thought "better safe than sorry".  Plus, I heard from our BM (who also used Beach Bum - our TA) that they almost had to be moved to the Virgin Islands vs. Jamaica when going on their HM because their passports hadn't arrived.  Everything worked out for them, but since they had insurance it would have been a swap without *too much* hassle.
  • We haven't even though our travel agent has recommended it.  I'm still thinking about it but we're not spending a lot of money one our wedding. If for some reason our ship can't port in PV and has to go to a different destination we'd only be out a couple thousand.  So I have to do some research and see if it would be more lucrative in the long run to get insurance or not. Do what feels right for your situation.
  • I just looked on Traveler's insurance to calculate the cost for insurance on our wedding and the cost of our whole wedding isn't even on the price range list haha So yeah I don't think we'll be getting insurance for our wedding :o)  
  • I've been thinking about getting something to cover both our wedding and our two-week honeymoon. We're going to be travelling for a total of three weeks, and we've got a ton of different hotel rooms, flights, car rentals, etc....and it seems like a lot can go wrong. I'm not a big risk-taker though, and I think having the peace of mind that if anything gets canceled then I will get my money back will be a big relief.
  • I didn't.  I thought really long and hard about it but decided not to.  I just couldn't afford one more thing!
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