Destination Weddings Discussions

BIG CHECK! Finally! Lots of PIP

Finally I got my MIB's out in the mail. I wanted to get them out on August 1st, but I had too much going on with school, my shower and my sisters visiting from out of state... anyway here are a ton of pics, except I failed to take pics before I sealed them all, so I'll have to upload close-ups of the bottles after my FMIL gets hers. [img][/img]

Re: BIG CHECK! Finally! Lots of PIP

  • Oops accidentally hit enter...more pics...[img]<a href="" rel='nofollow'></a>[/img][img]<a href="" rel='nofollow'></a>[/img][img]<a href="" rel='nofollow'></a>[/img][img]<a href="" rel='nofollow'></a>[/img][img]<a href="" rel='nofollow'></a>[/img][img]<a href="" rel='nofollow'></a>[/img][img]<a href="" rel='nofollow'></a>[/img]
  • Holy moly, Gina!!!!  That is a lot of work and they look AWESOME!!!!!  Great job!!!!!
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  • Yay!  Congrats on getting them out!  I don't think I'm doing anything different than you are, but when I took my "mock up" to the post office, they quoted me $2.24 and that was right at 7 oz.  And at 7.1 oz, it will be $2.41....... I'm going to have to go back double check again!  Wonderful job by the way!  Doesn't it feel great to have  that done and out of the way?!?!
  • I just thought of this... I am adding a cocktail umbrella in the bottles as well, so that might be the difference!?!  :)
  • I love them they look great!!
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  • Wow!  You did a beautiful job.  They're amazing.
  • They look awesome gina! I can't wait to do mine :)Where did you end up ordering your supplies and stuff?
  • Wow! Those look GREAT!!!! You did such a good job on them! :-) Your guests will be totally impressed when they get them... Bravo!
  • Those look so great! Nice work!!
  • How fun!  Great work!
  • Shelli,I totally bet that the cocktail umbrella adds that extra ounce. I got my stamps at (a little cheaper than zazzle). Iris,I got my supplies at [url]<a href="" rel='nofollow'></a>[/url]. The most affordable site I could find. I think that's where shelli got her's from too. I bought the starfish charms off of an Etsy seller and used parchment paper and burned the's a pic that I posted awhile back of the inserts...[img]<a href="" rel='nofollow'></a>[/img]
  • Gina they're totally gorgeous!!! Nice work girl!*m*
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  • Great job Gina, they look great! How did you go about he rsvp? where you able to put in a small return envolope or how are your guest returning the rsvp? (I'm still clueless on that)TIA

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  • Great job! They look awesome!
  • They look fantastic!  I didn't realize how long mine would take until I started working on them, so I understand getting them out later than planned.  Your guests are going to be so surprised to get those in the mail!  Excellent job!!
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  • Great job Gina!  Your guest are going to love them.
  • They look gorgeous!
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