Destination Weddings Discussions

NWR: Follow-up on nephew & FSIL

Again, Thank You all for your vibes! They seem to have worked because Nathan's fever did break yesterday evening. I saw him last night and he seemed ok, really tired, but otherwise normal. FSIL is still battling whatever made her sick all last weekend, we are all thinking it's a combo of being pregnant, the sudden heat here, bad air quality from the fires, the fact she works on her feet all day (she does hair), and she probably caught some bug or something. Something kind of funny from Nathan's hospital visit: The nurse that was helping them had to call in two more nurses to figure out what dosage of Tylenol to give Nathan. They couldn't figure it out on the chart because Nathan is so tall and big for his age, he is only 11 months and is in the 2-3 year old range for height & weight. Everyone in FI's family is over 6' and FSIL is no shorty either, she's like 5'9"... so Nathan is going to be a big, tall kid! Anyway, Thanks so much ladies! Hopefully he keeps feeling better, and FSIL feels better soon!

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