Destination Weddings Discussions

Who did you invite to your BS?

I'm putting a guest list together for my bridal shower in November and I'm having a tough time.Do I only invite those who were invited to our DW? Can I include those who are invited to the AHR?  Another possibility is to invite everyone who shows up to the shower to the DW, since I'll be sending out invites shortly after?!?  Or should I just do an open house (common around here) and invite those who do come to the DW?I don't want to seem gift grabby and I don't know how I'd feel if I was invited to the shower and not the actual wedding.Any advice you ladies have would be greatly appreciated!!  TIA!!

Re: Who did you invite to your BS?

  • We arn't having an AHR, but are inviting around 120 people to our DW, so for the BS, i'm just inviting everyone on the main guestlist.  I felt like you, didn't want to seem gift grabby, but a lot of people expressed that even though they can't make it to the wedding, they wanted to be included in the fun stuff. 
  • Wow, you are fast!!I have a feeling most of our family friends will feel the same way and want to be included...  so would it be safe to say if they're invited to the AHR, I can invite them to the shower??
  • Yup - we did AHR and DW invitees get shower invites. As long as someone is invited to something wedding related - I think that a shower invite is totally acceptable and not gift-grabby. :-)
  • We were originally going to do a smaller guest list for our DW and inviting everyone to the AHR.  We went back and forth on who to invite to what and finally just decided to invite everyone to both to avoid any confusion or hurt feelings.  Sorry, that really doesn't help.  I think it's fine to invite anyone to the BS that is invited to either the DW or AHR but would not base your final guest list on who shows up at the shower. 
  • There will be a lot of people at my BS that aren't invited to the wedding, but they will all be invited to the AHR. HTH!
  • This helps a ton!  I knew I could count on you girls!!  Thanks so much :)
  • I was only going to invite people that I had invited to the wedding, but I got to talking to some of my friends and the girls I used to work with and they really wanted to come to my shower.  So I ended up inviting people that weren't invited to the wedding.  I think some people just want to celebrate with you and it isn't about the gifts.
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