Destination Weddings Discussions

WTF? Boring...

My WTF is very boring this week, but anyway....WTF is up with me being so lonely lately? I'm not that type of person. I'm very independent and proud, but lately I'm just blah. I'm tired of this long distance's been almost two years now, I've had the last two days off from work and I've just sat here! That's not me. I guess everyone is that way every now and then. Oh well...WTF? I need a new outlook.

Re: WTF? Boring...

  • Awww I'm sorry.... I've been feeling that way to for a while now.  I'm not the most independent person I like human contact but I'm just a sad pitty party because I don't get to see my fi and when I do it's so uneventful because he's tired and/or I'm tired.  I need a new outlook too!
  • Awwww!  I'm not in a long distance relationship but  FI is in the Navy and sails ALL THE TIME so I know how lonely it can be!  The first two years we were together he was gone 18 out of 24 months!  I found exercising, hiking with my dog, family, friends were the things that kept me sane...besides email and red wine that is!  Hopefully wedding planning helps to take your mind off of being sad...we're always here for you too! :)
  • Thanks girls. I guess I'm just having a pity party for myself lately and I need to snap out of it. Things will turn around.
  • Yeah absolutely!! We just have to stay positive :o)
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