Destination Weddings Discussions


Good morning ladies! How is everyone this morning? I hope everyone has a great thursday!


  • Morning! Its my last day of work and school! I have the long weekend off so I'm excited! Only problem is I have a sinus infection and a chest cold.... booo! Hopefully I feel good enough to go up north!!! Have a great day!
  • Woot, happy Thursday ladies!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    DW Siggy: Current Books
    White Knot
    image 149 Received the invite of the century. image 90 are coming to party with the unicorns! image 37 will miss out on the good food and eat hot pockets instead. image 22 think I'm psychic.

    My Bio, updated 4/24/11
  • Goooood MORNING!! I am really getting sick of waking up at 4:30 in the morning. My eyes just POP open and I lay there and think about the wedding for an hour or so, then I just get up and work out. It makes the working out easy because I am wide awake... lol... I am starting to freak out about leaving the office for a week and a half... my timing couldn't be worse. Work is awesome about it - I had the wedding planned before I even started working there... but I just feel bad leaving so close to the start of the season. :-/ I probably will be MIA for the next two days at work - I will try to check in on here some though! Hope everyone has a GREAT thursday!!!!
  • Hey girls. I'm back at work today. Yuck. Thank goodness I have the weekend off for a change. I need the break. Maybe I will be blessed with a good day today, so I can have the energy to go home and Shred!
  • Good morning!  FI just got home after a night shift on the ship so I am making us breakfast!  Unfortunately I have to go to work this afternoon but only two more shifts until the weekend!!!!! :)  Have a great day ladies!
  • Good morning! I am running errands all day today and tomorrow in preparing to leave on Sunday. I can't believe I'm leaving this weekend... It's crazy! Have a great Thursday ladies!
  • Good morning ladies!  It's a great day in my office!  Almost everyone is off to the company appreciation picnic, so there will only be a few of us here today.  That means I pretty much get to do whatever I want all day!  I love it when this happens!
  • Good Morning!I love step classes at the gym but haven't taken one in a long time.  Took one last night and totally got my bootay kicked!  I forgot what an amazing cardio workout they are.  My legs are hating me today!  But they better get over it for my run and Shred after work tonight.The weather in St. Louis has been so beautiful for the past few weeks.  Can tell Fall is on it's way.  Hoping it sticks around for the long weekend and that another later round of Summer doesn't pop back up!Have a great day!
  • I am super happy it's thursday! Only one day until the weekend :)Yay!
  • Good morning ladies and happy Thursday, lucky me bc it's my Friday!!FI and I are moving the rest of our stuff over to the apartment tonight and it will be our first night staying there!!Have a great day :)
  • Morning ladies!! I'm trying to quickly look through the zillion posts I missed on here yesterday due to my crazy hectic day before I go dry my hair and get on another crazy hectic day. :) Hope everyone has a good one :)
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