Destination Weddings Discussions


I know some of you girls are having pashminas at your ceremony. My question is, how many are you bringing vs number of guests and what are you spending on them? I am starting to think about budget-my least favorite subject, can't everything be gold stars??!! I only did a small search and I found them for about 9 bucks a piece, is that about right? TIA!
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Re: Pashminas

  • I know that Nat got some on line for I want to say $5 or even less than that...... Cristina also.  Maybe they'll guide you in the right direction!
  • I bought mine from Laila for $5 each and I love them. They aren't really thick/heavy material but they are really soft and I think will be perfect if there is a slight breeze in the evening. I bought 5 cream and 5 turquoise. I have 18 people total including FI and I so all the ladies can use one if needed.HTH!
  • Thanks Nat!!! I will keep that website booked marked! I think it may be a bit too early to purchase them ;) Do you know if most of your male guests will be wearing long sleeves? We are getting married in May, but I'm not sure when we will hold the ceremony, probably around 6-7ish. It won't last long, but I have been to a wedding on a beach and would have loved something to cuddle up to and maybe cry into :)
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  • Here's a site that sells faux pashmina scarves... I don't know about the quality but you can check it out.
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  • We will have between 50-70 guests, and I'm only going to put out 10 -12.  I figure most people will be prepared, but some may not.  I have more info in my bio and I have a link to a website where they are $3ish each, but its at work.
  • Cristina, I didn't see the link...Am I blind?
    Wedding Countdown Ticker Visit The Nest!
  • If you want to buy.a lot, check out Wholesale Pashmina Scarves on the net. They're $5 each and have a ahuge selection. But I tjink the minimum is 20 or 30. HTH
  • I don't have the link at home, its on my work computer, but I'll post it tomorrow.
  • So sorry about all the typos.  I typed the original post from my blackberry and I have short stubby fingers.  :-)
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