Destination Weddings Discussions

Weekend is over! :(

Morning gals!I had a crazy weekend of BBQ's, hanging with my family, hiking, a road trip, and even a motorcycle rally!  Haha!  (FI got a motorcycle this year, we're not exactly hardcore but when we heard there is usually 60,000 people there we thought we'd check it out!)I'm still off for the week so today we are getting wedding related thigns done like getting my passport, and wedding bands! Yay!Hope you all had a great weekend too-what did you do?

Re: Weekend is over! :(

  • Sounds like you had an awesome weekend! I went up north camping, but we came home on Sunday because I'm still sick! Oh well.... I'm on my way back to school today! I have my first exam, which I think is always the worst, you never know how the teacher words the questions etc.  On the flip side I really like the maternity rotation so far,   so hopefully I do good on the test! Hopefully everyone has a wonderful Tue!
  • Good morning girls!!! TWO day work week for me... aaah I can't believe I am leaving so soon... This weekend was hectic - FI's season opened and so he worked saturday and sunday from like 7 in the morning until midnight. (he works in sports) SO I missed him bigtime. I got a lot of wedding stuff done though - all the DIY projects are completed and packed. We couldn't fit everything into the extra suitcase - so pray that the treasure chest, toasting flutes, and one of the bridesmaid's towels gets to Maui safe from FedEx!!!! Today is packed too... not only with work but I am getting a haircut today at lunch, trying to squeeze in podrunner run, getting my nails done, and hitting walmart for last minute necessities... Hope everyone has a GREAT DAY!!!!!!!
  • I just finished up a busy weekend.  FI and I had lots of things to do at the house, including spending all day yesterday stacking wood.  I can't believe I'm actually going to say this, but I'm glad to be back at work.  It should be a fairly easy day today.  Happy Tuesday!
  • Morning Ladies I missed you all last week hopefully this week is better for me. I didn't do much the weekend just stayed home and got caught up with everything that I was behind on... didn't really feel like Labor Day for me. Hope all you ladies have a wonderful day today. LadyBird I would like to see some pics of your new haircut. Lori I wished I had your weekend!

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  • Sounds like you had a busy weekend! Our weekend was kind of low key, we've been soooo busy lately that we try and do as little as possible on the weekends leading up to escrow closing. (which will hopefully happen this week) I had like, a movie weekend! On Friday I watched All About Steve with my mom, watched Sunshine Cleaning wih FI at home, yesterday FI and I went to see Inglorious Basterds, then watched Crank 2 at home. I love movies, and I hadn't been to one in so long it seemed, then it was a movie marathon this weekend :) btw, I loooved All About Steve, but I also love Sandra Bullock. On Sunday there was a bbq at my parents house, that was fun. We went and did some house related things like, going to a paint store to look at paint, and we went to a furniture store and bought our new couch & coffee table!! Yay for Labor Day sales! We got an over 1k leather sectional for $600. The weekend was nice & long, and relaxing - in other words, perfect. :)
  • Good Morning all! This weekend felt soo long! Maybe because i was home yesterday cleaning/cooking. It was my brother's birthday and FI's dad's birthday on the same day. So it was a family day weekend... I am excited for the 4 day work week :) Happy Tuesday!
  • Morning ladies!!  Had a very awesome weekend!!! Had our E-pics taken on Saturday, met Billy Ray along with Julianne on Sunday, ending with a BBQ and some swimming here at the house with friends.  Very, very, exhausting, but oh, so well worth it!!  Sometimes you just have to ignore doctor's orders and live a little!!!!!!  :)Woot woot!!!!!
  • Wow! You guys had some amazing weekends! I went to a great wedding on Friday night. It inspired me to get more stuff together for the AHR. :-) Saturday clothes shopping for Jamaica. FI got lots of discounted stuff- clubbing Sun-church, 2nd dress fitting- more clothes shoopping- backyard bbq- then watched the Nascar raceMon- went shopping for accesories for my dress. Still need some stuff :-( but at least the look is coming together.
  • Good Morning! I'm sad the weekend is over too :o(I had a busy weekend just like you... we had a bbq at our house, went to a couple of bars, and some odds and ends done this weekend too.  All in all it was a great weekend!I wish I was off for the week like you :o(I'm jealous ;o)
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