Destination Weddings Discussions

Italain Wedding

We want to get married in Rome; is there anyone here who is planning to do this and has some advice to share? Are you using an Italian wedding planner? How are you sending invitations when you know that only a few family members and friends will attend?

Re: Italain Wedding

  • Hi Mila,The lovely Normailed (future mrs H) might be able to help, as she's doing a wedding on the French Côte d'Azur. I know that she picked a location that came with a wedding planner. I'm sure she can fill you in on more details.Best of luck with your Roman Holiday and congrats on your engagement ;)*m*
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    White Knot
    image 149 Received the invite of the century. image 90 are coming to party with the unicorns! image 37 will miss out on the good food and eat hot pockets instead. image 22 think I'm psychic.

    My Bio, updated 4/24/11
  • Hello! Like M said I'm getting married on the Riviera, but I guess the planning process is similar.I am using a wedding planner and there is no way I will  be able to pull the wedding off without her help. In my case we picked the location by searching online and once we had the place, I asked for a list of recomended vendors. I took the list of the planners, e-mailed them for a quote, and did some research online and finally decided for her because not only she had the best ratings online, but it was also very affordable.As far as the invitations. Do send them to everyone. Yes...a lot of people are not going to attend, and you might be dissapointed that people you thought there were going to go for sure, at the last minute they say they won't. But you will also be surprised by the people that you didn't expect to make the trip and they go.I sent the Save the Date Cards a year in advance to give people a chance to save and get vacation time and the Invitations I sent out 3 months before with some more specific information.If you have more questions, just ask...we'll be here to help.Happy Planning!
  • Thanks so much!  This will get me started.
  • Who did you use as your wedding planner?
  • I just saw this post and thought I would respond.  I got married in Rome in Jan 2009--and I didnt use a wedding planner.  I did everything myself.  I just all of the research and planning on the internet.  As for invitations--we knew that only close friends and family were willing to travel for the wedding.  So, we only sent out invitations for our AHR.  The wording mentioned that we knew guests would not be able to make the long journey--but we hoped they would join us in celebrating our marriage upon our return.  I told our close friends and family which hotel we were staying at and the wedding date--and we would love to have them attend our wedding, but they were in charge of their own accomodations/trip planning, etc.  My friends and family are pretty self-sufficient and most had already been to Rome before so it really wasn't an issue.  It would have been an absolute nightmare to try and plan my guests' vacation.   We had a dinner reception after the ceremony for our guests in Rome.  As for planning that--since I had been there before I sort of knew of a place where I wanted to have the dinner.  But once we got to Rome, we found a much better place to have the reception and it turned out wonderful.  Almost 9 months later, our guests still remember how good the food was. Anyway, good luck with planning.  If you have questions, I would be happy to answer them. 
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