Destination Weddings Discussions


29 days and I started packing.  Yes I got a suitcase out of the basement last night!  Should I be ashamed?


  • No way!! I think you're starting at the right time.
  • HAHA! No shame in that! I've actually considered doing the same and I'm at 41 days-ish
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  • Don't feel bad. I got mine out already too. I haven't put anything in it yet, but I've started my list!I did however pack up some wedding related items in the extra luggage pieces that my girls are going to check though.
  • My FILs started packing in July - and they still had almost 10 mo to go!  I already have stuff set aside in a tub...  I think it is smart...  So much less to do as the days get shorter!
  • Ha, not at all.  I'll be just like you.  I mean if I could start now I would.  But alas, I must wear clothes for the next couple of weeks. 
  • Hey date twin!! Not weird at all!! Our guest bedroom closet has our "wedding trip" clothes hanging in it right now. :)
  • If you need to be ashamed then so do I b/c I'm planning on packing this weekend. I figured I'm not going to need my summer clothes here anymore b/c it's freezing so I may as well jump start the packing =)


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    Started TTC Nov. 2011

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  • Um...<shamefully standing up, head hanging> I have just under 8 months until my wedding and I've already started packing <sitting back down>. So no you should not be ashamed. 
  • We haven't even picked a date yet and I wish I could pack. lol
  • No way!  I would be packing if I could!
    New bio with helpful info for DW knotties!
    Ashley & Josh ~ The Reef Resort ~ Grand Cayman~ May 15th 2010
  • I actaully will do some packing this weekend!  Just like Natalie, its cold clothes season here now so I might as well pack my summer clothes! I guess I should also pack the suitcase with the stuff  I need for the reception and whatnot....I know I'm not using that until I get there!
  • I actually thought about packing the stuff I bought specifically for the wedding in a suitcase and putting it away for winter that way it would be ready for June!  So, no I don't think you should be ashamed!!!  pack away!
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