Destination Weddings Discussions

Destination Wedding- What should the dads wear??

Hi Ladies,I am in crunch time right now......I am wondering if you all are just having the dads wear whatever they want or if you are having them wear something special?My fiance and his groomsmen are wearing stone colored khaki's with a white linen shirt.....Let me know your thoughts!!!

Re: Destination Wedding- What should the dads wear??

  • My fi and groomsmen are wearing the same thing as yours.  The dad's are wearing hawaiian shirts in the wedding colors. I gave them the option to choose what they wanted to wear and this is what they came up with and I'm perfectly happy with it.
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  • My dad is wearing khaki's and a ble brushed silk shirt.  Not sure what FI dad will be wearing.  Probably something along those lines.
  • Our groomsmen are wearing white linen pants & white button down shirts, so I thought I would have my dad wear kahki pants & a white button down shirt.FI is wearing an Ivory Linen suit.
  • I would go with similar pants and a shirt that goes with what your girls are wearing.
  • I'm going to just let them wear what they want, but tell them what FI and the GM are wearing, so they can stay in the ballpark. My dad will want to wear a suit. He already told me. I told him FI will be wearing a tan suit and white button-up shirt, and I'll send him the link to the place we get them from (if I like their stuff). FI's dad is more informal, and will probably just do a white button-up and khaki pants. It doesn't really matter to me, I just want them to be as comfy as we can get them while still looking nice. :)
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