Destination Weddings Discussions

Thanks for the VIBES ladies!!

I'm coming out of my post-wisdom tooth removal hibernation to thank everyone for their vibes on Thursday!! I only used the pain pills the Dr prescribed on the first two days (what do you do with 25 extra pills of Vicodin???) and everything seems to be healing up nicely. Those vibes work wonders!! I had some coffee today after having none for four days, so I'm feeling a little back to normal. I'm still obsessively following all of the after-care directions because I have a mortal fear of dry socket. FI has to keep reminding me that if I had it, I would KNOW it. :) Maybe I was a big baby to worry about it, but it was nice to get so many vibes nonetheless. Thanks knotties!!

Re: Thanks for the VIBES ladies!!

  • Glad you're feeling pretty good.  And yes if you had a dry socket you would know.  My "tough" FI was just about in tears when he had one.As for the Vicodin, you save them for a rainy day.  J/K.  I had a bunch of left over Vicodin last year when I had Ecoli.  I threw them away. 
  • I'm glad you are feeling better!!! I am dreading getting my wisdom teeth out next year. I would take the vicodin back to the pharmacy, they can discard them without hurting the environment :) That was my shameless plug to save our planet!!!
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  • Yay! I'm glad you are feeling better. As for the Vicodin...sell it! make some profit out of those suckers!...or keep it for when you get your Brazilian done....hahahaha....that's joking of course
  • I'm so glad your surgery went okay.
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  • Girls, you crack me up with the recommendations! I didn't know Walgreens will dispose of them for you, which is great. Flushing all of those meds didn't sound like a good idea. I'll probably take them in... minus a few for Normailed's suggestion. ;)
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