I'm feeling like a lunatic today. I think a big part of it is pre-wedding stress plus the change in the season always makes me cranky. It's dark now when I drive home from work. I just feel so depressed. Work is super stressful right now. FI and I got in an argument when I freaked out because he didn't call me this morning. His bachelor party was last night and then he went to the Ravens game. He texted but I was still pissed. There was crying. I blew it way out of proportion and he was drunk and didn't understand why I was upset. I was frustrated and angry and still a little sadNot to mention, my father is driving me up the wall. He has turned my AHR weekend into a family reunion and has a whole schedule of events from Wed - Sunday. Are you F'in joking. I know his feelings will be hurt if I don't attend everything. Some family from my mom's side will be in town too and I don't know how to split my time.Anyway, this turned into a novel and is more of a blog entry. But I needed to get it out. Thanks for listening.