Destination Weddings Discussions

What do you do when you're stressed?

I'm feeling like a lunatic today.  I think a big part of it is pre-wedding stress plus the change in the season always makes me cranky.  It's dark now when I drive home from work.  I just feel so depressed.  Work is super stressful right now.  FI and I got in an argument when I freaked out because he didn't call me this morning.  His bachelor party was last night and then he went to the Ravens game.  He texted but I was still pissed.  There was crying.  I blew it way out of proportion and he was drunk and didn't understand why I was upset.  I was frustrated and angry and still a little sadNot to mention, my father is driving me up the wall.  He has turned my AHR weekend into a family reunion and has a whole schedule of events from Wed - Sunday.  Are you F'in joking.  I know his feelings will be hurt if I don't attend everything.  Some family from my mom's side will be in town too and I don't know how to split my time.Anyway, this turned into a novel and is more of a blog entry.  But I needed to get it out.  Thanks for listening.

Re: What do you do when you're stressed?

  • Sorry you are so stressed.  I like to take a hot bath and have a glass of wine when I am super stressed.  Also sometimes it helps to watch girly movies and have a good cry.  Hope you feel better soon.
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  • Get yourself a nice glass of wine and relax with a little HGTV or get yourself to the gym and work it out - that always seems to help me! :)  Things will get better girl!
  • ((HUGS)) I'm sorry you're going through such a stressful period. I have those to and I'm with Ashley. I take a bath and have a drink =) Sometimes I like to take the dog on a long walk just to get some fresh air. I hope things calm down a little for you. I know it's easy to say this and a lot harder to believe, but everything will work out. We're always here when you need to vent =)


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  • I'm sorry you're stressed and having a tough time right now!! It will pass! I'm not super helpful because for me stress = eating. :( I'm sorry. Sometimes focusing on something helps me, like often times if something is bugging me I will bake something. The process of measuring, mixing, reading, etc. just clears my head and helps me calm down. Is there anything you like to do that you could try to distract yourself with? Something else I've found recently that helps me is painting, something about painting does that same thing as baking for my head. We're all here for you! Things will get better.
  • ***Hugs*** I wish I would have seen this yesterday...I would have taken you out for some drinks and a girls night out. I understand exactly how you are feeling...and whenever you feel like that again, text me...we'll do something.
  • I think one of the best ways to deal with things that are stressing you out is just what you did, get it out.  I hope that you are feeling better.  I'm sorry that you are having a hard time right now and I hope it starts to get better soon.  One of the ways I deal with stress is to have some me time and even a littler pampering.  It could be a mani/pedi or just a bath, but it always helps me unwind. 
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  • Thanks everyone.  I'm just in a rut.  I think I have seasonal depression since I get like this every year.  Probably just need to get more rest and lay off the alcohol ::gasp::  I drank a lot this weekend and we all know what a depressant that can be.  Thanks for your support.  My father and I used to argue a lot but I've learned to pick my battles and let it go.  But I have a hard time telling him no now because I want to keep the peace. Normailed - I might take you up on that.  Since we're both in crunch time things are difficult.There are like million other things adding to my mood, everything is small but when all at the same time, brings you down.
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