Destination Weddings Discussions

Good Monday morning....

Its Monday! Hope everyone had a great weekend! I'm on my way to tackle another 12 hour shift, and Mondays are generally the busiest!! Have a great day!

Re: Good Monday morning....

  • Good Morning!!!I'm feeling great today...I had a lot of checks this weekend and I had an awesome time with Nick...I was a little bummed when he left, but then I went shopping =)Have a great day!!
  • Morning ladies.  I'm at work today, but not many of the managers are so it should be a very laid back day.  FI is home, so I left him a loooong 'honey-do' list on the fridge.  Hopefully he gets most of it done so I don't have to do any of it.
  • Good Morning!  I am driving to Pittsburgh today so I will be making sure everything is packed and getting finished with last minute details.  We fly out of Pitt on Wednesday but wanted to spend a couple days with his family making sure everything is finalized.  My fi is working a trip right now so I'm trying to get everything packed and loaded in the car for all 3 of us and I'm so afraid I'm going to forget half of the stuff!!  I just dropped the dog off at the kennel, and wanted to check in with you ladies before I'm off.  I will have my LP up on Tuesday!! Ok, I didn't mean to type so much! 
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  • Good morning ladies!I had an ok weekend, my son being sick an all. Hopefully he gets better soon. Normailed- only 3 more weeks "Yikes". You probrably said it a million x already but when is your LP? I don't want to miss it.April- just 5 more days until you become a MRS. how exciting! Can't wait to see pics and hear all about it!

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  • Good morning! Sorry my page didn't refresh when I did my good morning post to see this one :-)
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