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Good morning ladies!

Good morning ladies! Is anyone else off work today? It's a good thing I am off today because I'm so sick I don't know how I'd make it into the office! Have a good day!
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Re: Good morning ladies!

  • Good morning!Nope, not me. I work even though we won't see patients. This sucks, I wish I was home with my babies.

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  • SO lucky you don't have to work --- but I'm sorry to hear you're sick! It's SNOWING here...which makes it really hard to get out of bed on a Monday.How was everyone's weekend? We had our e-pics yesterday - I am super excited to see how they turn out. I was nervous about taking them, but our photographer was really great and it turned out to be a fun afternoon!
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  • Not me either...I hate you!Now...I hope you feel better soon :-)
  • Nope!  Same 'ole work day for me!  But knowing I'll be on vacation all next week...and will be a MRS...makes it okay :)Have a great Monday girls! 
  • I don't have to work, but I don't have a job so its nothing new.  Once we get back from Jamaica I plan on trying very hard to find a job!  I really miss working!  I've been unemployeed for over a year now (well technically I haven't been looking for a job so it doesn't really count as unemployment).  I hope you feel better Tracy. 
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  • Nope, not me...I had to come to work and be chained to my desk! Ugh!
  • Good morning!  I am off today too-called in sick.  Something is going around-but the good news is I lost 2 pds over the weekend!!  :)
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  • I'm working today... I really wish I wasn't because I am feeling congested with a sore throat :( Poo! Going to Colorado this weekend so I can not get sick. I'm hoping it's just the change of the weather / cold weather.
  • No day off for I miss having a federal job! Sorry so many of you are feeling sick, I'm not feeling too hot myself. **health vibes** for all of us =) On a side note, after today I only have 2 more Mondays until we leave!!! (that's for you Shelli)


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    Started TTC Nov. 2011

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  • Day off for me! It's Thanksgiving!  Mmmm... can't wait for dinner tonight.
  • Morning! I love banker holidays ;) We are either going to the beach with our friends or to this awesome pumpkin patch. Either way we will be with friends and our pups :) I do work the rest of the week with extra long! Nothing else exciting for me. Although I did run 4 miles in 36 minutes yesterday, it had to have been a miracle. I am going for at least 4.5 maybe 5 today!!
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