Destination Weddings Discussions

Good Morning!

Good morning ladies! How was everyone's weekend? I hope everyone had a good time. I'm still hung over from Saturday night. Aaron starts a new job today and YAY for 2 weeks Natalie! Have a great day ladies!
Copyright Focus Photography by Janel Conlan
BabyFruit Ticker Life in the Fast Lane :::: The Hall-Ways

Re: Good Morning!

  • Morning... I had a good relaxing weekend off! I am not ready to be back at work today :-( Have a great Monday
  • Good Morning! I'm still a big tired from Saturday as well...I'll do a re-cap later when I get to upload my pics. Yay! for Aaron and his new job. And Yay! for my last week at work before the wedding...I leave to Denver of Friday =)
  • That's supposed to say bit tired, not big tired...see, I told you I was tired..hehehe
  • Good morning ladies!! It was such a fun filled weekend for me! At the last minutes, we attended an all class reunion (these people are who I went to Jr. High School and my Freshman/Sophomore year of HS with) ~ haven't seen these people for 25+ years!!! It was AWESOME. Yesterday, both my Steeler's and Brian's Vikings won so that was AWESOME as well. Now, this Sunday coming up, they play each other IN PITTSBURGH, so our household is going to be in an uproar come Sunday morning!! HeHeHe!! Tracy, I hope your festivities from Saturday night was everything that you expected it to be!! Would love to see some pictures!!! Natalie and Normailed ~ I can't believe you two are leaving in such a short time! It's absolutely crazy!! :( Boooooooo. Tracy is right behind you guys... Hope everyone's work week is starting off on a good note!! Happy Monday!!!
  • Is Aaron excited?My weekend was insane.  I started with not enough sleep Thursday night, worked for 9 hours, came home got ready, went to Kitchener for Octoberfest, crashed for 6 hours, came home, bottled like 90 bottles of wine, showered, went to a shower on FI's side, came home bought dinner, and drank with my side of the wedding party and was in bed by midnight, celebrated my birthday yesteday by spending 2 hours trying to find me a gift from FI, I got an amazing diamond Bulvoa watch, went out for dinner and caught up on DVR, and went to bed.
    A & T Since 2009 Parents of A born July 2010
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