First off I want to apologize that i have so many questions! i did the same thing to Lisa7 when she came back. I will number all of my questions to make it a little easier to answer. And if you do not want to answer everything on here please feel free to email me;apiffanynow2002 at yahoo dot comThanx for tip on the baggage prices with US Airways. Thats good to know. Its also good to know that you guys flew out of Indy. I read your G/B/U and it has gotten me all excited all over again. I am definetly going to use your suggestion about the Bug Repellent Wipes and the koozies (1)(btw did you have them personalized? (2) and what are tears of joy packets?We are having about 29 people total as well. and I have been trying to decide if I really want to spend the money for a private reception. It sounds like the resort will accomodate you even if you dont pay for a private reception. So we may just keep that money in our pockets. (3) What do you suggest? Also I noticed you said there were 18 people on the resort with you. (4)Were you all classified as a group booking? (5) did you have a cocktail reception before dinner was served?TIA