Hey ladies since its a slow day I thought I would share with you a secret that I have been dying to vent about but have not been able to IRL. Sunday we went over to FIL's for football and dinner. (normally I use football time as my alone time, but I really wanted to go over and say hello to everyone) While we are there FMIL pulls me aside and says.. "I know its your birthday weekend but we got Ryan this awesome weekend ticket package to go see a Cowboys game. I just wanted to tell you so you could keep the weekend open. I know that you hate football but I don't want to pay for anyone else to go." Conversation over.. So in about 20 seconds my birthday plans got ruined.. DF and I had planned on going to Disneyland (the same thing we have done for my past 2 birthdays, and something I have done for at least 15 birthdays it is totally my "thing" I look forward to it all year) So yes I am super excited for DF to get this awesome trip, I know he will be in 7th Heaven, not only do we get to go to the game, but the package includes a tour of the new stadium, a pre-game tailgate pass, and a autograph session. It has been so hard when DF brings up our disneyland trip, I just keep smiling and nodding.. Note to FMIL: I am the worst at keeping secrets, I wish you would not have told me first. I hate football, I hate being cold, and I hate that the Cowboys beat Mickey Mouse. Margaritas to everyone who finished this!